Enhancing operational strategies and pathways adjusted to market and consumer segments
Enhancing operational strategies and pathways adjusted to market and consumer segments

Remodeling pathways of operations with new value chain strategies and marketing-sales funnels to identify limitations and opportunities in various markets and consumer segments. In addition to performing various levels of organizational reviews in different stages to counteract internal procedural weaknesses affecting retention of customers and the acquisition of new audiences, respective of competition and market growth. Also used statistical analysis from surveys and research to quantify risk factors and variations of consumer habits to project changes safely and more accurately.


Great work! Detailed presentation of findings and out of the box strategies suitable for our area of business to help elevate our opportunities and strengths. The way in consulting is quite unconventional to what we have in Iraq but very fast and easy to use. They even communicated and delivered to me on weekends!

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Contracts, corporate, and commercial law advisory and M&A


Reinventing scope and economics of activity to adapt to the Eurasian's medical equipment market

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